Sunday, May 3

Night 6 - No One Mourns the Inactive

Town Center was relatively quiet today, with several votes boredly thrown on DahliaXKristoph as she looked gravely on from her suite in the Imperial Hotel. Some debate on the suspicious activities (or lack thereof) of Endless Blasphemy was also discussed, but all and all it was a slow day. As the sun set and it drew to a close, Boss Vahlia, as she had taken to calling herself, entered the square and ascended the stage, pale and looking quite serious indeed as she faced the crowd. For a few moments, there was almost complete silence...

However, apparently a certain magical girl had different plans for how the evening would end.

Interrupting the SRS moment of SILENCE, Sakuro jumped onto the stage, startling the Game Master preparing to kill DahliaxKristoph and smiling widely as the crowd was thrown into an uproar. Sakuro, upon taking Dahlia's navy cape, twirled it around and shortly made DahliaXKristoph dissapear just as Kinokiita had a couple days before, before donning the cape and running off the stage, leaving as abruptly as she had appeared. This news reporter commends her speediness, as the citizens of the town were not pleased about Boss Vahlia being snatched out of their clutches.

In their anger, they went to storm the Golden Dragon hotel, supposedly where Endless Blasphemy had been staying. She hadn't been doing anything, like, all game, and apparently this had also made the Town very angry. Found in her hotel room playing Team Fortress 2, she tried and failed to use the nearest object she could grab- her laptop- as a flamethrower, she was handcuffed and taken away to jail to face trial for inactivity, which is obviously a more heinous crime than murder. Searching her laptops files returned absolutely nothing of interest- apparently she was just a Vanilla Townie.

Muttering a few choice words about Sakuro and DahliaXKristoph under their breaths, the players moved on to their chosen shelters for the night.

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