Friday, May 1

Day 6 - Here it Goes Again

After the last few relatively deathless phases (or as "deathless" as this City can be) tonight was much more chaotic. While citizens mingled around Town Center discussing D&D, Spanish homework, some users were not in as fair a situation...

The body of fatalfeline was found this morning in the art studio, sliced into almost unrecognizable ribbons by what can only have been Dahlia's razor winged butterflies. In fact, it proved impossible to tell exactly who she had been. Relatively used to this nonsense by now, her death was filed away by the authorities and the question of her role in the recent conflicts set as a 45 picarat puzzle to be solved at a later date.

On the other side of the city, Force was found dead at the Imperial Hotel. Although everyone knows Zakeri has long departed from the City and that playing Syringe Roulette with an unqualified "doctor" is a very, very bad idea, some players must have decided to take the risk anyway for a improvised game at the Imperial Hotel. We're pretty sure Force was an Honorable Citizen, so maybe the others will learn their lesson. But knowing these people, probably not.

NaturallyLazy, meanwhile, had decided to take a stroll through the City this fine spring night, instead of staying inside, before heading out of town for some business. Unfortunately for her plans, she was found lying on the ground in Masque Park, almost thought to be sleeping (although why anyone would think the influential mafioso would be sleeping in a park like a hobo is beyond this news station) until someone poked him and didn't have his hand immediately sliced off by a rapier. The mafioso, recently so confident in his position in the City, had apparently fell victim to a NOT AS PLANNED moment early this morning, as it was determined NaturallyLazy aka FerdieLance, of the Mafia had ultimately died of a heart attack. And somehow, I get the feeling this wasn't exactly according to anyone's plans...

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